Description :
Akarkara (Spilanthes Acmella) is also known as Acmella oleracea is a unique and versatile herbal plant and also known as anti-toothache plant with high medicinal usages So, it has been recognized as an important medicinal plant. Due to its traditional uses in health care and as food, now-a-days, there is an increasingly demand all over the world. Akarkara flowers begin with thick red stuff; they increasingly stretch and turn yellow, keeping the red on the top. Naturally leaves are dark green and the stems, leaf stalks and veins dark green with light-purple colour. It can be an easily grown plant with a spreading and bringing up the rear habit
VAREITY :Anacyclus Pyrethrum
Akarkara (Spilanthes Acmella) is a valuable gift from the nature to living being. Akarkara fresh or dry (Panchang) is used in manufacture of many ayurvedic, Homoeopathic, unanai, and alopathic medicines. AKARKARA has natural oil, which is good source for health. Using Akarkara helps regulate the body metabolism by expelling the toxic body fluids.
Proper Soil treatment including give land a better Pulverize and drying. Cow dung manure should be mixed. Beds or plain pan should be prepared (as per planning of plantation) the distance of beds is depending on irrigation systems. Land should be well irrigated before sowing the planting Material.
Annual erect or ascending stout herbs, 20-50 cm high. Annual erect or ascending herbs, 15-40 cm high.
Akarkara root (Anacyclus pyrethrum) is an aphrodisiac herb from the Indian herbal medicine, Ayurveda. It grows pretty much all over the Mediterranean region, and in Northern India, Himalayas, and some Arabian countries. As a plant it’s quite similar to chamomile, and the bioactive compounds – alkyl amides – are the same ones that can be found in the notoriously ineffective maca root
After the two to three month of showing of Akarkara plant start flowering then take mature flower buds gently. Fresh flower buds are yellow in colour with red top. After the starting of flowering plant produce number of flowers and take it periodically. After that dry it properly through proper procedure. After The crop cycle is complete root should be dug out and dry it.
Distance (in acre) | Seeds kit in acre | Cost of seeds kit | Fertilizer | Cost of cultivation |
2*1 ft | 3 kg | 7500/- | 5000 /- | 12,500 /- |
Total Expenses: 12,500/- |
Income of month | Total yellow flowers | Company buy-back of yellow flowers | Total | Total Dry roots | Company buy-back of dry roots | Total |
In 6th month | 200 kg | 80 rs. kg | 200*80 = 16,000 /- | 300 kg | 50 rs. kg | 300*50 = 15,000 /- |
Total income: 16,000 + 15,000 = 31,000/- |
- Akarkara growing first harvesting practical training.
- This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year.
- Plantation cost is to be borne only once.
- Buy back Agreement of Akarkara yellow flowers and dry roots.
- Production in 6th month and only one time production. (6th month plant life)
- Firstly prepare nursery for transplant.
- Prepare nursery in 200 square feet area.
- Sowing time for Akarkara “April to June”.
- For 1 Acre plantation cost of seeds kit is Rs.7,500/- , which is pay in advance before the cultivation.
- The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area.
- For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-.