Description :
Guava (Psidium guajava) is valued for its delectable taste and aromas a cheap nutritious fruit with a wide adaptability to diverse climatic and soil conditions, guava is an ideal crop to grow in developing countries The guava tree can easily be recognizable for its smooth, thin, brown bark that flakes off, exposing a greenish layer underneath. Guava is used to produce jams, jellies, and juices commercially. Guava may be eaten raw or cooked. Guavas are an excellent source of vitamin C and also contain iron calcium, and phosphorus.
VARIETY : Guava L49
Guava is good source of vitamins and minerals. This fruit is an excellent source of vitamin ‘C’, ‘A’ and antioxidants which helps in boosting immune system.Guava fruit is good source of “potassium”. Guava fruit is low in calories and fat.
Guava is rich source of soluble dietary fiber and hence helps in treating Constipation. Consuming Guava fruit regularly lowers the risk of cancer. Guava fruits are good for Diabetic patients.
The fruit vary in size depending upon the fruit load on a tree. The fruit shape usually round some time with short neck pyriform (Pear shaped strain) smooth surface. There are pink dots scattered over the whole fruit, (Chittidar). Pulp is soft and melting, white, taste sweet.
Guava L49 which is usually propagated from seed can also be propagated vegetative. The plants can be raised through cuttings, layering or mound layering.
Guava demand is immense in India therefore selling is not difficult. Guava is bought by many people in market. Our company also provides the facility of Buy Back agreement.
Guava fruit is climacteric in nature. It can be picked when mature, light green in colour and firm. It ripens during transport on reaching the market and gives excellent colour and taste. The contractors usually harvest the fruit when ripe or nearly ripe for direct sale to the consumers. Few leaves or small branches if kept with the fruits make the fruit attractive and trees get light pruning. For distant marketing this practice should be discouraged.
Distance (in acre) | Sapling (in land) | Cost (per plant) | Total | Fertilizer | Cost of cultivation |
12*12 ft | 305 | 75 rs. | 305*75 = 22,875 | Fertilizers Land preparation Labor expenses etc. | 22,875 /- |
Total Expenses:22,875 /- |
Income of year | From each plant | Total | Company buy-back | Total |
Year 2nd | 5 kg | 305*5 = 1525 kg | 12 rs. kg | 1525*12 = 18,300 /- |
Year 3rd | 10 kg | 305*10 = 3050 kg | 12 rs. kg | 3050*12 = 36,600 /- |
Year 4th | 15 kg | 305*15 = 4575 kg | 12 rs. kg | 4575*12 = 54,900 /- |
Year 5th | 20 kg | 305X20 = 4575 kg | 12 rs. kg | 6100X12 = 73,200 /- |
Total Income: 1,83,000/- |
Technical Support & Services:
We also provide technical support for farming. Our Service Department with technically quali-fied staff provide after sales service and farmers' advisory services to our customers to get bet-ter plant establishment and faster growth of Herbal and Horticultural plantations.
We have largest network of employees who deliver Plants to customers at their door steps. Free technical services to customers on planting method, management practices and plant pro-tection measures. Our teams of Agricultural Experts periodically visits and supervise the planta-tions and suggest necessary guidelines to get better growth and higher returns. The income & expenditure indicated by the company is an approximate figure, as it also depends on the na-ture and hard work of the farmer.
- This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year.
- First production start after 2nd year and production will remain for next 5 years.
- Buy back agreement of Guava.
- The income expenditure indicated by the company is an approximated figure, as it also depends on the nature and hard work of the farmer.
- For 1 Acre plantation the cost of Plants is Rs. 22,875/-, out of which 50% i.e. Rs. 11437.50/- has to be paid before the cultivation and the remaining half after the plant-ing is done.
- The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area. (Ssp group)
- For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-.