Description :
The oil extracted from Motia species is called Palmarosa Oil/ Rosha Oil/ East Indian Geranium Oil/ Elichpur Rosh Oil. The oil extracted from Sophia Species is called Ginger grass Oil. The main Chemical component of Motia species of Palmarosa is Geraniol (75-85%), Geanyll Acetate (6-12%), Citrilol (5-6%), Linalool (2-4%), and Citral. Apart from these components, Palmarosa also has other minute elements like Alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene, and Gamma Pinene & Alemin. The oil extracted from Motia species is called Palmarosa Oil/ Rosha Oil/ East Indian Geranium Oil/ Elichpur Rosh Oil. The oil extracted from Sophia Species is called Ginger grass Oil. The main Chemical component of Motia species of Palmarosa is Geraniol (75-85%), Geanyll Acetate (6-12%), Citrilol (5-6%), Linalool (2-4%), and Citral. Apart from these components, Palmarosa also has other minute elements like Alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene, and Gamma Pinene & Alemin.
Palmarosa Oil is used in great quantity by Pharmaceutical industry. Oil of Palmarosa is used in perfumery, particularly for flavoring tobacco and for blending of soaps due to the lasting rose-note it imparts to the blend. It also serves as a source for very high grade Geraniol. Ge-raniol is highly valued as a perfume and as a starting material for large chemicals, viz., geranylesters that have a permanent rose-like odor.
Apart from being used by Cosmetic (Beauty Products) And Perfumes Manufactures, Palmarosa oil is also used in the manufacturing of various medicines. The oil is rich in the active com-pound geranial, which makes it suitable for many medicinal and household purposes. Palmaro-sa oil is antifungal, anti-viral, bactericide, cytophylactic and antiseptic. Its application on skin moisturizes the skin, besides balancing the hydration levels and stimulating cell regeneration. Palmarosa oil also helps in clearing up minor infections and prevents ugly scarring in healing wounds. Palmarosa oil calms the mind, yet has an uplifting effect, while clearing muddled thinking. It is used to counter physical and nervous exhaustion, stress-related problems and nervousness. Palmarosa oil could be used with good effect on the skin, for nervous and stress-related problems and for the digestive system. Therefore, because of its utilities and uses in perfumery and pharmaceutical industry, it is in demand not just in the Domestic market about also internationally. Hence, Palmarosa Cultivation is highly beneficial for the Indian farmers.
Palmarosa Oil has wide uses because of which it marketing is fairly easy. There are quite a few Merchant based in Delhi & Mumbai was purchase Palmarosa in wholesale and there are also quite a producers also for Palmarosa. Therefore, in the coming decade, there are great possibilities of increasing the sale of Palmarosa.
It has been proved that Palmarosa is useful from different aspects. Cultivation of Palmarosa can be done in a variety of soils in fact in infertile land also. Even if the Land has low water content and is less watered, Palmarosa can be cultivated. The plant of Palmarosa doesn’t get affected by diseases, the maintenance is low and because of its popularity domestically and internation-als, marketing Palmarosa is also easy. Hence, its cultivation is extremely beneficial for farmers.
I.W – 31245 and C.I. 80-68 produced by Indore Centre i.e. Motia and Sophia are the two varie-ties of Palmarosa. Trusha Vruta and P.R.C – 1 Motia is also popular about farmers.
Plough the field at least twice for aeration. Use about 8-10 tons of manure and 8kgs per 10% B.H.C per acre. Trowel and level the field so that there is no water logging.
For better yield in non irrigated condition use 12 kg of Nitrogen, Phosphate (P2O5) and Potash per plant or between the trowels. The remaining part i.e. 6 kgs should be given after a span of 30-40days.
Palmarosa can be grown in both well irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. In case of, not well irrigated conditions the yield depends on yearly rains but for well irrigated conditions, where the weather conditions are warm, then irrigate the land in intervals of 12-15 days or once in 3weeks for best yield. Flood irrigation is the best and modern way if irrigation for Palmarosa.
For best yield of oil from Palmarosa plant, start harvesting or cutting the plant immediately after flowering. Cut the plant 10-15cms from the ground level. Collect and mould the plant and store them in a cold place. Then through distillation process extract the oil from the plant.
Maximum oil is extracted from the Flowers and leaves of the plant and very less quantity of oil is extracted from the stem. The yield in the first year, 0.5-0.6% oil is extracted from the each plant .i.e. about 12-16 kgs oil per plant in non-irrigated and 20-30kgs per plant in irrigated land. The yield in subsequent years goes up to, 20-30 kgs per acre in non irrigated area and 40-45kgs per acre in irrigated conditions.
1. If Customer Purchase Palmarosa Seeds:
Distance (in acre) | Sapling (in land) | Cost of plants (per plants) | Total | Cost of plants (per plants) | Cost of cultivation |
1*2 ft | 20,000 | 3.50 Rs./- | 3.50X20000 = 70000 /- | Fertilizers Land preparation Labor expenses etc. | 70,000/- |
Total Expenses on Plants = 90,000/- |
Income of year | Oil(in year) | Company buy-back(per liter) | Total |
Year 1st | 80 liter | 1200/- liter | 1200*80= 96000/- |
Year 2nd | 80 liter | 1200/- liter | 1200*80= 96000/- |
Year 3rd | 80 liter | 1200/- liter | 1200*80= 96000/- |
Year 4th | 80 liter | 1200/- liter | 1200*80= 96000/- |
Year 5th | 80 liter | 1200/- liter | 1200*80= 96000/- |
Total 5 years income = 4,80,000 /- |
Technical Support & Services:
We also provide technical support for farming. Our Service Department with technically quali-fied staff provide after sales service and farmers' advisory services to our customers to get bet-ter plant establishment and faster growth of Herbal and Horticultural plantations.
We have largest network of employees who deliver Plants to customers at their door steps. Free technical services to customers on planting method, management practices and plant pro-tection measures. Our teams of Agricultural Experts periodically visits and supervise the planta-tions and suggest necessary guidelines to get better growth and higher returns. The income & expenditure indicated by the company is an approximate figure, as it also depends on the na-ture and hard work of the farmer.
- This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year.
- First production start after 1st year and production will remain for next 5 year.
- Buy back agreement of Palmarosa.
- The income expenditure indicated by the company is an approximated figure, as it also depends on the nature and hard work of the farmer.
- For 1 Acre plantation the cost of cultivation is Rs.70, 000/-, out of which 50% i.e. Rs. 35, 000/- has to be paid before the cultivation and the remaining half after the planting is done. (if customer purchase Plant)
- The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area.
- For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-.