Description :
Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant which grows 2ft high on yearly basis. Aloevera is stem less or very short stemmed plant, which grows 24-40 inches high and the leaves are about 4inches wide. The leaves are thick and fleshy and green to grey in color. The leaves are peeled and there’s a viscous liquid is found. The Aloevera leaves are also used in making of pickles, vegetables, chyawanprash etc. The margin of the leaf is serrated and has small white teeth/ thorns. It is MEDICINAL PLANT.
Aloebarbadensis is the most common specie of Aloevera and grown in Rajasthan, M.P, U.P and Gujarat.
ALOEVERA VARIETY : Aloebarbadensis miller.
In ayurveda, Aloevera is a natural coolant herb. 0. It is used in the treatment of bloating, con-stipation, gastritis, and fever with Kapha dominance and respiratory problems. It is extensively used in liver and spleen disorders. Aloevera is also used in the treatment of burns, boils. It calms pita, detoxifies blood and is very useful in many skin diseases. It is good for eye power, it is natural detoxifier. Aloevera is a good anti aging herb. It is good for hair, when used in the form of Aloevera hair gel. Aloevera flowers balance Vata and Pita. They are also useful in intes-tinal worms.
The Aloe Vera gel is used to make creams, soaps, shampoos, gels, Chyawanprash, Herbal Powd-er etc. Aloe Vera’s demand as a Herbal Product is extremely high in India and world over.
Aloevera is a very low maintenance plant; it doesn’t even require pesticides or manure. Aloe is grown in warm tropical areas and cannot survive freezing temperature. Once it is planted then you get yield for next 5yrs. Aloe Vera can be cultivated on any soil for ‘dry land management’,
Sandy loamy soil is the best suited for it. It is grown almost all parts of India, even under con-stant drought conditions. However, the crop grows well in entire tropical and sub-tropical re-gions. Since its water requirement is very low, it is best suited for cultivation in Arid and semia-rid region especially in Rajasthan, Gujarat, M.P and Maharashtra.
It is grown successfully in marginal to sub marginal soils having low fertility. However, it is ob-served that its growth is faster under medium fertile heavier soils.
It is grown successfully in marginal to sub marginal soils having low fertility. However, it is ob-served that its growth is faster under medium fertile heavier soils.
Aloe Vera demand is immense therefore marketing it is not difficult. Wet Aloevera leaves are brought by many Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals companies. Our company also provides the facility of Buy Back agreement.
Within first year of cultivation, Aloevera leaves can be harvested. Leaving aside 3 leaves rest other leaves can be cut using sharp hears.
Distance (in acre) | Sapling (in land) | Cost (per plant) | Total | Fertilizer | Cost of cultivation |
2*2 ft | 13000 | 4 Rs. | 13000*4 = 52000/- | Fertilizers Land preparation Labor expenses etc. | 52,000 /- |
Total Cost Of Cultivation: 52,000/- |
Income of year | From each plant ( leaves) | Total | Company buy-back | Total |
Year 1st | 3 kg | 3*13000 = 39000 kg | 3.50 Rs. Kg | 3.50*39000 = 1,36,500 /- |
Year 2nd | 5 kg | 5*13000 = 65000 kg | 3.50 Rs. Kg | 3.50*65000 = 2,27,500 /- |
Year 3rd | 5 kg | 5*13000 = 65000 kg | 3.50 Rs. Kg | 3.50*65000 = 2,27,500 /- |
Year 4th | 5 kg | 5*13000 = 65000 kg | 3.50 Rs. Kg | 3.50*65000 = 2,27,500 /- |
Year 5th | 5 kg | 5*13000 = 65000 kg | 3.50 Rs. Kg | 3.50*65000 = 2,27,500 /- |
Total 5 years income = 10, 46,500 /- |
Technical Support & Services:
We also provide technical support for farming. Our Service Department with technically quali-fied staff provide after sales service and farmers' advisory services to our customers to get bet-ter plant establishment and faster growth of Herbal and Horticultural plantations.
We have largest network of employees who deliver Plants to customers at their door steps. Free technical services to customers on planting method, management practices and plant pro-tection measures. Our teams of Agricultural Experts periodically visits and supervise the planta-tions and suggest necessary guidelines to get better growth and higher returns. The income & expenditure indicated by the company is an approximate figure, as it also depends on the na-ture and hard work of the farmer.
- This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year.
- First production start after 1th year and production will remain for next 5 year.
- Buy back agreement of Aloevera.
- The income expenditure indicated by the company is an approximated figure, as it also depends on the nature and hard work of the farmer.
- For 1 Acre plantation the cost of plant is Rs.52, 000/-, out of which 50% i.e. Rs 26, 000/- has to be paid before the cultivation and the remaining half after the planting is done.
- The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area. (Ssp group)
- For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-